Things you can do to relieve headaches immediately

Alasan Gigi Berlubang Bisa Bikin Sakit Kepala

Hi Every Body! Did you got headache?
Headaches, often experienced by many people. Headaches can be caused by things outside of the disease. For example lack of sleep, glasses with the wrong prescription, stress, noise, or tight headgear.
When headaches occur, this can disrupt our activities. become unfocused and continue to be in pain.
Headache is a condition when there is pain and discomfort in the head, scalp, or neck. This disease is very common, and an estimated 7 out of 10 people experience at least one headache every year. Most headaches are not severe and can be overcome by taking medication for yourself, drink enough water and get plenty of rest. However, some headaches need to be treated more due to conditions that can be life threatening
Headaches also occur at certain points which can indicate the cause of the headaches. most people underestimate headaches and leave them alone. they say "self-cure later". But this action is wrong! headaches can not be left alone, there needs to be care so as not to disturb the activity.

Well, there are a number of things you can do to relieve headaches immediately. You might try this method so that headaches do not interfere with your daily activities.
1. Make sure you eat and drink enough Healthline sites once wrote, dehydration is one of the main reasons for headaches. If you lack drinking or skipping meals in the last few days, try to eat a little or drink a glass of water to ease your headache and then see the effect.

2. Sitting in a dark place If you have experienced headaches, especially migraines, light and sound can be the trigger. To get an immediate recovery, one of the best ways is to go to a dark and lonely place for a while. This method combined with other treatments such as rest, can help relieve headache symptoms. However, of course it depends on the type of headache you feel. To be more convincing, talk to your doctor for appropriate treatment.

3. Get enough rest Rest enough to not just lie down when headaches come. Stress can also make your head tense, meaning we may need enough sleep. "Many people feel headaches because they didn't get enough sleep the night before or even slept too much," said Darian Carrow, consumer wellness inventor at Adults are advised to sleep for seven to nine hours each night. Sleeping with less, or excessive amounts, has the potential to cause headaches.

4. Find effective drugs Sometimes, you need to try using classic medicines and painkillers such as acetaminophen, aspirin or ibuprofen. If you experience torture and disorders due to headaches, taking these drugs may be a good cure. It is also important to pay attention to the information on the bottle or medicine package, or consult a doctor to find the right medicine.

5. Consider acupressure Acupressure can be an alternative treatment for headaches when headaches or migraines come. Knowing which parts need pressure is the key to relieving pain using this technique. Rebbecca Park, founder of, says the pressure on the skin between the thumb and index finger is a point that can be quite helpful. This can also be done on the feet. If you are not confident doing it at home, look for acupressure professionals. At least you learn how to do it effectively.

6. Ice Cube Dr. Jacqueline Darna, a naturopathic expert with anesthesiology background and founder of NoMo Nausea, explained that temporary headaches or headaches can be relieved by using ice therapy. The trick, simply rubbed with a downward movement from the top of the head to the hairline, then to the two sides of the ear. Because, the area's blood vessels are close to the surface. 

Headaches that come from the neck are often felt in the lower part of the skull, so try therapy using ice cubes in the neck and then rub from the top down the neck. "This type of headache is usually caused by strained muscles and nerves pinched in the neck. Relieving inflammation is often the initial solution, then we can do muscle relaxation or NSAID medications," Darna said.

7. Use a warm pad Based on WebMD, putting a warm pad (heating) on ​​the back of the neck is often able to relieve headaches. If you don't have it, try taking a hot shower because similar effects can be felt.

8. Consumption of ginger Rebbecca Park says, ginger can be an effective drug when we feel muscle pain and inflammation. It is recommended to consume a mixture of fresh ginger and ginger tea. Ginger can also relieve nausea that usually appears along with migraines or other headaches.

9. Supplements Supplements such as magnesium and vitamin B12 can also help relieve headaches. However, it is important to consult a doctor first.

10. Break from the screen Spending too much time in front of a computer or cellphone screen often also causes headaches. Make sure you have a break from the screen, avoid straining eyes and go outside to breathe fresh air. If you really have to look at the screen all day and every day, try some techniques to relieve eye strain that can help.

When to see a doctor?
You are advised to see a doctor immediately if you experience headaches with the following conditions:
Feeling unhealthy when a headache attack occurs.
Headaches that occur are so severe that they interfere with daily activities.
Headaches do not go away even after taking pain medication.
Headaches are accompanied by symptoms such as difficulty seeing or speaking, numbness in the face, stiff neck and fainting.

Headaches are not something that should be underestimated. Headaches can have serious consequences if they are ignored, but they can also interfere with daily activities. If you have a headache, don't ignore it! take medicine immediately. if after taking the drug has no effect, then immediately consult a doctor. it might not be an ordinary headache.
stay healthy, keep conditions healthy. Always apply a healthy lifestyle!

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